May 4, 2015

Today: I have a Strange Day... - To Fall Like A Drop Of Rain...

Today's - Mix:

A Strange, Crazy, Mixed-up day...

A violent wind whips through the trees, dislodging anything old and dead which still would cling...

I begin my day... 

Listening to unfamiliar music from Vietnam, I discard my answering machine/phone. I have trouble throwing things out; especially things that still work like this phone. It still works, but the battery's dead. After only six years, replacements are unavailable...and even if available would cost more than I paid for the phone with the battery... The replacement service from the phone company came at first, all in French, with instructions I didn't understand. Thankfully this was easily changed to English... I think I've set it up like I want, but it's still to be tested with time and use... 

Things working and not working, today come one on top of the other...  Expected things don't arrive, unexpected things do... I've shared how it began, but the day has continued with equally strange flavors emanating forth from each thing I've touched...

The Vietnamese music I listened to:

Le Ca Tru Thai Ha Ensemble - Nord Vietnam 
Huong Thanh - Vietnam  Musique du Cai Long
Huong Thanh - Les fleurs du levant
Popular Vietnamese Music - Truong Thi Quynh Hanh

All are available from, so if you're so inclined you can listen to clips...

This Post's Flavor(s): music, human, small

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