June 23, 2015

Today: A Look at "Good" & "Bad".... - To Fall Like A Drop Of Rain...

 "Good" & "Bad" - A Thought: 

In the world, "there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."  Hamlet Act II, Scene II, William Shakespeare

After spending copious hours yanking grass out of my garden spaces, I'm thinking if people weren't so in love with "green carpets" that grass would be classed as a noxious weed...  Not only will it grow in almost any soil, in shade or sun and spreads rapidly by underground roots, which can range far, but it also self-seeds with abandon.  

Thinking something is "good" or "necessary" makes it difficult to see its "down side".  The whole picture always includes both - the "good" and the "bad".... A "simple" two-dimensional truth would seem to be nothing but a lie... The world, I think, is neutral....  It is our perspective, feelings and thoughts which give it its apparent weight...  since we are very complex beings the "good " and "bad" we feel are also complex and not simple to either understand or apply....

As a result of the attachment to "green carpets", a multi-million dollar industry has developed around the care of grass, ensuring the continued growth of such carpets.  This lends additional support to the attachment and makes it very difficult to see grass as it really is or imagine any kind of alternative to a "green carpet".  

Grass's classification seems to be simply a matter of perspective and habit...  However, habitual ways of seeing and thinking always have far spreading roots and strong supports which aren't easy to see or understand, much less change or shift..... 

This Post's Flavor(s): gardening, puzzle, human, small

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