March 2, 2016

Today: Change.... - To Fall Like A Drop Of Rain...

Change & Contrast... A Process...

March has started off like a LION this year...  Again today between what drifted and what fell... another 2-3 feet of snow to shovel from my path.... 2016 is a year for SNOW!!! Since the middle of February, at least 5 feet have fallen....  My narrow path winds its way through a tunnel of snow, with banks head high on either side.... I don't need any exercise equipment...  Removing the snow off my 70-80 foot path, lifting it up over the towering banks gives me a full work-out!!

With the path cleared, I checked for mail... A confirmation of my order of plants for my garden.  The invoice says, "paid in full, plants will ship in Spring..."  Today, Spring looks quite impossible... Spring.... Do the seasons really change again this year?  However, I think back and remember other years when it's seemed equally impossible... and recall that miraculously each year Winter has ended and Spring has arrived...  

I marvel at the wonder of change... beginnings and endings which happen in spite of how solidly anchored in place things appear to be... It happens too, in spite of a great human desire for things to stay put, and organized and how we're used to them being... Change takes us on a journey into the unknown, where chaos, disruption, and confusion lie in wait... These aren't on the top of most people's list of want to visit places... Magically, however, baby step by baby step I manage to cross the boundary from what is known into what isn't... and change DOES happen... in me too...


Mar 11/16 - Heard my first red-wing blackbird and saw my first grackle.... and the snow banks are about 2 feet lower than they were.....
Mar 22/16 - Heard my first robin and the banks of snow are slowly disappearing.... It's even possible to see bits of my garden... here and there...
Apr 7/16 - My garden had just emerged from under this winter's mountains of snow and small green shoots were appearing here and there...Then yesterday a blizzard and almost another foot of VERY heavy, wet snow...  I'm back to shoveling snow this morning.... strengthening the same muscles I'll need to use digging in my garden....
Apr 14/16 - My garden has re-appeared...  with small green shoots showing here and there...  Although the sun has shone brightly both yesterday and today, it's still TOO cold to start digging...  and snow still lingers in the shady parts.  However, with a warm coat, in the lee of the wind, I'm able to soak up a little sunshine...  I'm  SO hungry for some sun in the Spring!
May 1/16 - The last of the snow melts...

This Post's Flavor(s): gardening, beginning/ending,  human, process
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